This Person’s Story: God is Here

A person started trying to practice the presence of God this week.

This person looked around his house, and he saw chairs, and furniture, and fixtures he had missed before.  He saw the beauty in ordinary.  The extraordinary in the mundane.

This person walked to work and saw the majesty of the newly constructed buildings.  He had missed that before.  This person walked on the Quad of the University of Alabama and marveled at the beauty of creation just right where he was at the present.

This person came to church for a midweek service, and it was different this time.  This person found a deeper appreciation for the speakers, deeper connection with his friends and a deep sense of gratitude for getting to share a simple word of encouragement with a friend.

While this person didn’t intend it, he found greater productivity at work, better appreciation for his coworkers, and just a brighter look in his own eyes and face.

This person learned a very simple lesson.  It’s not about asking God for things.  It’s about experiencing the thing that is right in front of you all along.  It’s God in the moment.

It’s a simple realization.  It’s what you told your kids when they were young.  It’s the simplest ting of all.  Just realize, embrace, and live into this one thing:  God is here.

And, that changes everything.

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