How to Soar on Eagle’s Wings: I Samuel 10-13

It’s great when God calls you to do something important…except when you realize that it’s a responsibility.  Then, you might hide from it (I Samuel 10:22).

It’s good to be given great power, except for when you forget where it  comes from (I Samuel 13).

It’s good to be king, except for when it’s not.

Here’s when it’s not:

When you don’t see where the real power and blessing comes from.

Here’s the thing: God has called us to do extraordinary things.

Here’s the two ways we mess it up:

1.  We hide.

When, we look at our weakness and inadequacy, we hide.  Can you think of a time that you just thought you weren’t up to the task.  It was something that God has called you to do, but you just didn’t accept the calling.

“I’m not smart enough.”

 “I’m not strong enough.”

“I just don’t think I can do it.”

Truth, is..they were looking for you.  You were the one for the job…but you hid.

It’s time to come out of hiding and accept the call of God on your life.

2.  We don’t wait on God.

Now, let’s say you’ve come out of hiding.  Maybe someone pulled you out.  And, now you’re front and center.  You’re doing the things God would have you do.  You’re out there working, you’re shining, you’re making things happen…and then you get the idea that it’s you that’s making things happen.  So, you begin to trust in yourself to get things done, and not wait on God.

“I’m ready to get married…so I know my girlfriend won’t help me reach my potential for God…but I’m ready right now.  God will understand.”

“I know this career move isn’t something that God would have me do…but I need the money, and I’m tired of waiting…gotta make things happen.”

Sound familiar?

What happens when we don’t wait on God?

Well, ask Saul.  He was king and one day decided that he didn’t need to wait on God.  He took matters into his own hands (I Samuel 13).  He was rejected by God, and ultimately, let’s just say it didn’t turn out well.

Here’s the other option:   “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31 ESV.

The Key

What’s the key to it all?  Remember that if God calls you to do something, don’t shirk.  Go for it.  But, when you do, remember one thing:  It’s God’s mission, his calling, and his blessing.  Just follow in faith, and he will take you places you never imagined, and show you things you could never dream.  It may be hard, and there may be a few Philistines and Amorites along the way, but stay faithful, and he will be faithful to his promise.   You can soar like the eagles.

Discussion Questions

  1.  Name some characters in the Bible who made excuses when God called them?
  2. How does God call us today?  Is it through a prophet like Samuel, is it through his Word, or what?
  3. Name a time when you made excuses for not accepting God’s Word in your life/
  4. Name some characters in the Bible who trusted in themselves and not in God?
  5. How did it turn out for those who trusted in themselves?
  6. Name some times in your life when you trusted in yourself and not in God.
  7. Are there ways right now that I’m trusting in myself and not in God?
  8. How are arrogance and low self-worth related?

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