The Most Important Thing For Following Jesus

Why would thousands of people sit in 100 degree weather for hours in stadium seats in Tuscaloosa, Alabama?

Why would a mother gladly change multiple diapers per day and sort of enjoy it?


Those fans love the game. That mother loves that baby.

Following Jesus means doing difficult things. There’s only one way to do it –

Love the Lord your God with everything you’ve got. And love others like they were your own self.

For too long, I tried to follow Jesus mostly with my head. But, Jesus said to love him not just with your mind, but also with your strength, with your very being. It has to be a heart and gut sort of thing. Not just a words and thought sort of thing. Down deep in your heart, when think you’re all alone – what do you really want? What are your desires and goals? What are you really working for?

If you read the Psalms, you get a peak into a man’s heart. David has some bad times. He wandered away from God, but he came back. And, he wrote the outpouring of his heart, and his heart really wanted something. He wanted to know God and have his blessing. He wanted to build God’s kingdom. He loved God.

When you read the Psalms, can you identify with that longing, that deep down desire for God? Does your soul want to build his kingdom, accomplish his purposes….or is it more about building your own kingdom…accomplishing your purposes?

When Jesus faced the cross, he said to his Father, “not my will, but yours be done.” He said the same thing all of his life. I’m here to do the Father’s will. I’m here to do his work and accomplish his mission.

Now, why would you do that?

Because you love him. You love him like an Alabama football fan sitting in 100 degree weather. You love him like a new mother loves her baby and would do anything for that baby. You love him like David who bled out his heart for God in the Psalms. And, you love like Jesus, who loved us to the end, and then rose to love some more.

I want to love like that. Don’t you? That’s how you follow Jesus.

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